Wiring A 4 Wire Stepper Motor
Drives a unipolar bipolar or five phase stepper motor. The most commonly used stepper motor is the 28-BYJ48 Stepper MotorsYou can find this or similar motors in your DVD drives Motion camera and many more place. Pin On Kiprobalando Projektek ID 2448 - Spin two DC motors step one bi-polar or uni-polar stepper or fire off two solenoids with 12A per channel using the TB6612. Wiring A 4 Wire Stepper Motor . These cables are color coded such that the A wire is red the A- wire is black the B wire is yellow and the B- wire is purple. Each phase draws 40 A allowing for a holding torque of 42 kg-cm. The driver alternates polarity to the coils to turn the rotor. A quick post about wiring TB6600 stepper driver which is based on TB6600HG chip. As you can see above the flexibility of connections increase with the number of lead wires. The BrickRap is using five wire motors the 28BJY-48 driven by a Pololu motor driver. Drive looks like this and its rated for 4. Stepper motor dr...